There is a path back to sovereignty.

Let's find it together.


Creating sacred space to honor, remember and embody our sovereign selves is the way home.

It turns out we can't think, understand or reason our way there. 


We need a community to model what has been missing for millennia—

a woman-centered spirituality.




 Through ritual, conversation, sisterhood, song, movement and access to scholars, authors, priestesses and practitioners, we will unfold and return home to the truth of who we are.

🌿 Contributing


Be the seed that nurtures growth.

  • Weekly Wisdom Circles
  • Monthly Meet Her At the Altar Sacred Service
  • Monthly Rest Ritual
  • Quarterly In Her Own Words Author Series
  • Quarterly Myth and Symbol Circle and She Speaks Open Mic
  • Priority registration and discount for all courses & series

💖 Sustaining


Sustain the rhythm of our sisterhood.

  • All “Contributing” benefits.
  • Support the continuity of our gatherings.
  • Sustain the heart of our community.

🏛 Building


Build a legacy of women’s wisdom.

  • All "Contributing" and "Sustaining" benefits
  • Expand our reach and fortify our future
  • Build new initiatives and enhance our sanctuary

Explore Our Community Offerings


 Below you'll find an overview of our regular community events. It's taken millennia for patriarchy to take root, and we cannot extricate it in one class or one series of classes. We need a counter-cultural community that deeply engages a new path of self-sovereignty for women.

Every circle is filled with women from diverse geographies, beliefs, generations and backgrounds. 

There is no dogma here or any one approved belief system. Our aim is not to have you believe the way we do, but to fully embrace your own authentic beliefs.

Our communities include people of all faiths and of none. 

Our circles have included the voices of Goddess worshippers, Christians, Pagans, Jews, Latter Day Saints, Secular Humanists, Atheists and more.

All women seeking self-sovereignty are welcome in our circles.

Rest and Liberation

Ritual Series

Last Friday of the Month @7 pm ET*

Dominique Bryant Williams will lead our community in this monthly rest ritual as an act of liberation that subverts the constant productivity demanded by capitalism.

* Check the calendar for time/date changes

Meet Her at the Altar


This gathering is the holy ground on which our community remembers, honors and embodies our own unique spiritual expressions.

Come prepared to encounter Her through practices, rituals, movement and art. There will be no sermon here. We will not learn about her but will learn to be with Her.


Photo: Bergan Hyde who led us in a witch wound healing following the overturn of Roe vs. Wade last year.

Myth and Symbol

Sacred Circle

In our Myth & Symbol Circle series, we explore feminine myths from various cultures, absorbing the wisdom they provide while shedding the distortions of patriarchy. This journey of mythic reclamation, combined with identifying signs and symbols in our own lives, will empower us to embrace and embody a new guiding wisdom.

* Check the calendar for time/date changes

She Speaks

Quarterly Open Mic

 Led by our Vocal Reclamation Guide, Shellee Layne, we will create a sacred space for your words, songs, and poetry to be celebrated and uplifted. Connect, reflect, and empower in a supportive community.

* Check the calendar for time/date changes

In Her Own Words:

Author Series

Quarterly at 12 pm ET*

  Our author series is a quarterly infusion of new ideas and inspiration from female authors writing about subjects aligned with our work. The author will join us in discussion, deepening our understanding of her message.

* Check the calendar for time/date changes